What is VoIP?
(Voice over Internet Protocol) is a phone service delivered over the internet.
Instead of using a phone company that charges you for calls, VoIP uses a broadband connection to send both voice and multimedia sessions between people. These sessions can be transmitted through smartphone apps, traditional phones, computer software and VoIp-enabled devices. This the preferred business phone systems solution in 2021.
VoIP vs Landline (Analog)
Landline telephones work by sending signals through physical switch-boxes via copper wires. These lines require maintenance which can be complicated and time-consuming.
VoIP systems on the other hand, are far easier to upgrade and maintain which is why rapidly growing companies prefer to make use of VoIP systems.
Cut Communication Costs
VoIP requires no new connections.
It makes use of the internet connection that you already have. Meaning, you pay for data charges only and no additional costs.
Long Distance Communications
As VoIP uses your internet connection, the prices are near to nothing or even free. If you have a stable internet connection, the quality of your calls will be high and reliable. No matter the distance.
VoIP makes use of bandwidth and not copper wires ~ As long as you have an internet connection... your communication will move with you.
Voip Features
Call forwarding, call waiting, find me/follow me, caller id, voicemail, virtual assistants and 3-way calls allow for our old-school landline experience, only far more advanced.
Video conferencing, voice calls, voice messages, sms and even pictures can be transferred using VoIP services.