1. Use Eco Friendly Fonts
Though the ‘Ariel’ font may seem like the ideal choice for printing documents, it is not very eco-friendly. This default font uses much more ink than many of the other font options available at the click of a button. Fonts like Century Gothic, Times New Roman, and Ecofont are far more economical and are able to save users on up to 30% on their ink usage (when compared to Ariel).
2. More Black & White, Less Colour
Colour print cartridges can cost 40% more than black print cartridges. Not only does colour printing take longer, it consumes more power. If you are wanting to cut down on your monthly printing costs... We recommend printing in colour only when it is absolutely necessary.
3. Preview Before You Print
Always remember to use the ‘print preview’ feature to look for any layout issues or typographical errors. If an image is too big to print on the paper, you can adjust sizing as needed. You can also look for page breaks, extra spaces, or inefficient gaps in your documents and correct them all before printing. Taking this extra step can save you tremendously on wasted prints and expensive reprints.
4. Put Your Printer To Sleep
Copiers and printers consume energy when they’re running (as do all devices and appliances). You can avoid this by setting your device to ‘sleep mode’ when not in use and when your offices are closed (during holidays and weekends). This will help you avoid unnecessary power consumption.
A good practice is to let it sleep after 15 minutes of non-use. Canon multifunction copiers, Sharp Printers and Samsung Copiers have built-in ECO features like this.
5. Lease Your Printer & Implement A (MPS) Solution
Under MPS, your service provider’s (SP’s) experienced team works to ensure that your office printing practices run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. The use of MPS can reduce your operation cost by up to 30% as the SP troubleshoots issues, offer preventative maintenance and reduce any costly and unplanned downtime on your printing equipment.
At X Corp, we provide MPS Solutions as part of our office automation support services. We are here to optimise, oversea and maintain your printing environment in order to reduce your print-related costs and allow your business to focus more resources on other priorities. For more info on our MPS Solutions or printer hire/lease options, feel free to contact us.
6. Print In Draft Quality
You’ll use less ink and print faster without sacrificing quality.
7. Print Only The Text That You Need
If you’re printing pages from the internet, copy and paste into a word processing document and adjust the content to fit as few pages as possible.
8. Opt For Multi-Page Printing
When you CAN fit 2-4 pages or more onto a single sheet of paper, the math is pretty simple. This is especially useful when printing files that are rarely accessed or reviewed.
10. Scan More Copy Less
Instead of copying a document and leaving it on someone’s desk or in their mailbox, scan it and email it to them.
11. Encourage Printing On Both Sides
Printing on both sides of the page can reduce paper consumption by as much as 30% in enterprises. Again, this is a no-brainer for rarely accessed files and records.
12. Have Patience When Printing
If your document hasn't been printed, check the printer queue status before you retry. It may just be waiting behind other print tasks.